Plus Size fashion I really really really wanted to share this cute story with you today that involved fried food, an adorable old man and craft beer, but my computer crashed and ate it. Being I have a big girl job and very little spare time, I hope you’ll forgive my filthy no good hunk of junk computer from it’s document consuming ways and instead just oggle the prettiness of this lover-ly look.

Hearts. Hearts. All kinds of hearts. I saw this skirt/jumper/wondrously life appropriate beer garden esque garb on Unique Vintage and I wanted it so bad. But moving has made me super broke. Like, wow I can’t believe I found $20 in my couch cushion, now I can……….. pay my electric bill, broke. I am coupon clipping- people. I am considering pan handling at the park. WHY MUCH YOU COST SO MUCH DOG DEPOSIT? Plus Size fashion

As luck was have it they reached out to me around the same time offering a piece of theirs to style. I consider this a Valentine’s miracle. So although I am desperately single, at least my body can be covered in a suspender-ed skirt of hearts and colorful jubilation.
Plus Size fashion Plus Size fashion

OOTD Details:

  • Heart skirt: Unique Vintage
  • White T-Shirt: Target Basics
  • Heart Flats : ASOS
  • Purse: Coach Vintage
  • Earrrings: Market in India
  • Hair: Manic Panic Cotton Candy
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