So I am a sucker for anything that is sequined and sparkly, so it should come as no surprise that I squealed with delight when Ruby + Lilli sent me this amazing plus size T-shirt all the way from Australia. I have used this as an excuse to say shrimp on the barbie 3 times today; listen the shirt demanded it. I just listened.
I feel like today’s outfit was really inspire by my friend Laura who has basically made her career being a cool as all get out tomboy. She works for a global shoe brand. She has done karaoke at celebrities houses. She isn’t a stuck up jerk face. Basically, I want to be her. She’s the type of girl who rocks baggy t-shirts and track pants and still looks like she’s just stepped out cloud of conveniently placed, celebrity alluding fog. As much of a tomboy as I am, no magic fog has ever appeared when I put on a oversized sweatshirt and house pants.
So this is a nod to style I love, but just doesn’t suit me. Like “hello I see you there, lookin’ all cute. I am going to put your thing down flip it an reverse it.” Pairing this t-shirt with something edgy and original was essential, and this funky, faux leather skirt from Eloquii, was a perfect match. PS said skirt is on super clearance right now. No one paid me to say this, but this thing is a boss ass bitch essential and totally worth $24 sale price. This skirt and tee are styled with Sam Edelman cow hide flats, a vintage Ralph Lauren scarf, and collection of bangles and wrist baubles from my travels.
I should note, I’ve really enjoy the spirit of this shirt. It feels girly and at the same time low key and nonchalant. That’s a hard line to walk. I feel like I could easily put this under a blazer and rock it at a meeting; the writing is subtle enough to be both work appropriate and fabulous. I also just appreciate the blessing that is a really soft t-shirt. The kind you don’t have to wear in. The kind you don’t have to go Edward Scissor Hands on to feel like a woman while wearing it. Comfort, what a novel concept.
Also it goes without saying, I really enjoy brands that unabashedly cater to a broader array of sizes. It’s not an easy thing to do so I applaud Ruby & Lilli for making options for lots of women, versus just a small percentage. We appreciate it, especially when you’re get it oh so so right.